Azure DevOps Contributor can't create a Repo

How to troubleshoot error TF401027 when a user with the Azure DevOps Contributor role and Basic (or Visual Studio) access level can’t create a new Repo.


User has the Contributor role on the Azure DevOps Services Project and has been assigned the Basic or Visual Studio access level so they can work with Repositories. Whilst they can add to existing Repos fine, they cannot create a new one and get an error message when trying to do so:

1TF401027: You need the Git 'CreateRepository' permission to perform this action. 


Contributors can’t by default create repositories.


If you want your contributors to be able to create new repositories the permissions on your project need a quick modification. This can be done by a Project Administrator

  1. Go to the Project Settings screen
  2. Click Repositories in the Repo section of the menu
  3. Select the Security tab
  4. In the list of Groups select Contributors
  5. Change the Create repository drop down to Allow