Finding Deprecated VMFS Volumes

Following an upgrade to vSphere 6, hosts popped up an error message reporting that some old VMFS volumes were found on the host. Whilst these still worked, it would be prudent to tidy them up and replace them with modern datastores. The message is:

Deprecated VMFS volume(s) found on the host. Please consider upgrading volume(s) to the latest version

Whilst this highlights that there is an issue, the GUI message doesn’t indicate which volumes (or how many) are affected. The following quick bit of PowerCLI produces a table of the datastores with a VMFS version of less than 5.

1Get-Datastore |
2 Where-Object { $_.ExtensionData.Info.VMFS.MajorVersion -lt 5} |
3 Select-Object Name, FreeSpaceGB, CapacityGB, @{n='VMFS Version';e={$_.ExtensionData.Info.VMFS.MajorVersion}}

Example Output:

1Name           FreeSpaceGB CapacityGB VMFS Version
2----           ----------- ---------- ------------
3VOL-VM01            574.77    2047.75            3
4VOL-VM02           1924.05    2047.75            3